

So, you want to become a great success, a big wig...hmmm....the further you get along your desired path the more conflict you are going to have to face. The truth be told that even when God (the bible) promises something the first thing one encounters is conflict, challenges, or problems. Just look it up: Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham...Jesus...etc...

Based on my genius (just observation really), I can promise one thing: the further you  desire to go in your current vocation, business, spiritual journey..etc.. the more conflict you will have to face...maybe, just maybe conflict is the facility that will get you from point 'A' to point 'B', but to do that you will have to stay on course no matter what...No Matter What - GET IT, GOT IT, GOOD : )

Artrepreneur 101: Going The Extra Mile

The Foundation For Success

The greatest rewards in life will be attained based on the expansion of personal and collective energies. Think of successful people as those who have contributed sufficient energy in a specified direction. Personal energy takes different forms internally: emotions, thoughts, words, and actions.
  • The more focused a person’s attention is, the more energy will increase.
  • The greater the frequency, in which an individual fixes her attention on a goal the more energy will increase.
  • The more an individual visualizes and affirms a goal, the more energy will increase.
  • The more a person can join energies with others who have a similar goal, the more energy will increase.
  • The more you give and the more effective you are at contributing value in a particular area of service, the more energy will increase.
The more energy we expand consistently in one direction, the more we have the opportunity to influence our future opportunities. In the world of energy expansion progress will always take more energy in the beginning and less energy to maintain. Whether a person is starting a career or business thinking in terms of 'personal energy expansion' will bring insights into the rewards one can soon create for themselves.

Call Me A Pragmatic

Although much more can be said about energy expansion, one sure way to succeed based on this principle is to pick a direction or purpose and work hard to 'Go The Extra Mile.' Nothing will give you a better chance at attracting the best customers or opportunities than going the distance. Life will give back what you put into it.

Consistently increase the value you contribute, learn to perform better, work on your communication, work on your leadership, work on your business disciplines and skills and give, give, give. In the process of giving you will not only find new opportunities, but build better skills: management skills, leadership skills, business skills, and communication skills.

Think About Serving

Evaluate your business model, specifically your protocol around customer fulfillment, customer service, and leadership. If there is anything that will perfect how you play the business game it is the ability to perfect your value creation. Rewards are on the other side of service. You will be amazed when the rewards come. Think through how you are creating value, and ask how can you improve on this? A better way of doing business will always exist!


Artrepreneur 101

Purpose (Re-visited)
Radical Self-Love (1 of 2)
Radical Self-Love (2 of 2)
Positive Thinking
Going The Extra Mile

Artrepreneur 101: Positive Thinking

Another Restless Life

You were meant to fulfill a radical purpose but as it stands you can't even get a foot hold. You are losing time and wonder if you will ever see the light at the end of the tunnel. At the moment you find yourself in that restless place again wishing for the type of success you have only dreamed of. The pangs of frustration is what is felt as you consider your failures against the landscape of achievers. Your soul aches for a resolution, a breath of fresh air as you labor relentlessly during those endless nights. The questions that beckon accountability over and over again scream:

Why aren't you as successful?
When will your time come?

Time To Re-examine

You are only as effective to the degree that you understand and work with fundamentals. If you are not achieving the success you desire than you must first discover the fundamentals of achievers and next you must measure what you do against those fundamentals. In this series you will discover those fundamental and will be invited to consider your attitude or posture around the specific behavioral principle. Just remember after you begin to apply these precepts your success is only a matter of time, so hang on, and press through.

Back To The Fundamentals

Fundamentals are not anything you do; as some type of technique, although “Doing” is in the nature of an achiever. The nature of fundamentals is about “Being” or whom you become as a process of habit and character development. To receive the greatest benefit from this series: after you are introduced to the character or behavioral principles, think on paper of how you can apply it in your current environment.

As you begin to re-discover the fundamentals in this series do not fall in the trap of thinking: 'I already do that,' The goal is 100% saturation of each principle before moving on. Take your time with this stuff and witness the transformation of your business life.

Attitudinal Principle 

The study of quantum mechanics reveals the key element in possessing a positive mental attitude. The principle element states: 'As your perception of a thing changes, the very nature of that thing changes.'

Entrepreneurs should have an attitude that is unshakable. The acronym I like to refer to for this occasion is 'GIGO'; Garbage In Garbage Out. What you put into your mind will either move you away or toward your goal for success:
  • What do you read?
  • What do you listen to?
  • What do you watch?
  • Is what you surround yourself with positive?
  • How can you nurture more of a positive mindset?
  • Who do you need to distance yourself from?
You must look at difficult times with a sense of curiosity and ask 'what is life attempting to teach me at this moment?' while working to improve yourself. You will be transformed by the renewing of your mind. If you want a better business, than put new things in your brain. You must know without a shadow of a doubt that you are a winner and that success is around the corner. Understand that things happen for your purpose, and that life is conspiring to make you successful.

Artrepreneur 101

Purpose (Re-visited)
Radical Self-Love (1 of 2)
Radical Self-Love (2 of 2)
Positive Thinking
Going The Extra Mile

Artrepreneur 101: Purpose (Re-visited)

Every executive’s purpose is like a finger print: there are no two alike. Each person brings his gifts and talents to the world of commerce. As you rediscover and renew the purpose for your business you will begin to witness the unfolding of a new brand.
  • Purpose will always have a way of redefining your brand. 
  • Purpose will make your voice stand out with authenticity from the hundreds of thousands of artists/businesses in similar industries. 
  • Purpose is branding! Purpose will give your voice personality and depth of character.
When thinking about your company's purpose engage others in the conversation including friends, employees, partners, customers, and investors.

Put It On Paper!

Allow your unique perspective and meaning to ring throughout your purpose statement. Don't settle for some mediocre concept like "Our Purpose is to Provide a Great Service", "Our Purpose is to be the Best...(WHATEVER)", or :Our Purpose is to provide Great Customer Service." - THIS IS MEDIOCRITY!

Go deeper into your soul and answer the question: what do you stand for? and What should your art/business stand for?

If you are wondering how to define such a broad concept, answer the following questions:
  • What are you passionate about?
  • What is your unique signature (talent)?
    • Is it the way you strategize?
    • Is it the way you communicate?
    • Is it your Unique vision?
  • What unique gifts and passions are you keeping outside of your business? (business should be personal)
  • How could you tie your unique passions and gifts into your business?
Purpose and passion bring a sense of play back into our lives. Our businesses should work as extensions of our lives.

Do Me A Favor:
  • Don't settle for a business, CREATE a movement!
  • Identify your purpose
  • Identify your unique passions and gifts
  • Rethink your business model
  • …and perhaps RETHINK how you have been living your LIFE!

Artrepreneur 101: Radical Self-Love (2 of 2)

Lets Break It Down

If you are going to make a leap into effortless living, you must, must, must go to work to reprogram your subconscious mind; just like a programmer that has to re-write software. It's all about finding new mental models, creating suggestions (phrases that contain the traits you want to embrace), and repetition.

Finding New Mental Models

Gigo (garbage in, garbage out), we can be the worlds' most skilled programmer, but if all we have is outdated references our code will not work or even worse be detrimental. The same is true with our mind. Our first responsibility is to gather updated information and go to work to read and study 'self-love' and 'relationships' (we are involved in a life time relationship with ourselves).

Creating Suggestions

Part of this process includes creating affirmations or statements that embrace deep fundamental changes. Don't be consumed with more than a statement, something simple and profound such as: "I like and love myself" or "I'm grateful".

Creating a Personal Altar

Create a spiritual spot in your physical environment, a place in which you can acknowledge your self-worth and promise. Include pictures of yourself and memories that make you happy, include flowers, scented candles, and oils. You are a wonderful gift and the most important person in your life. After creating this space, enter into it with a sense of gratitude (this is where the magic lies).


This is where your work ethic to shape and mold your subconscious comes in. It becomes important to work on programming your mind daily.  The more time you invest on a daily basis going through your affirmation and acknowledging your 'personal altar' the greater impact you will have on your own mind. The best time to use the affirmation or to appreciate your own greatness is before going to sleep, after awaking, and when old negative feelings begin to emerge.

Artrepreneur 101

Purpose (Re-visited)
Radical Self-Love (1 of 2)
Radical Self-Love (2 of 2)
Positive Thinking

Artrepreneur 101: Radical Self-Love (1 of 2)

Effortless Living

So here we are, struggling for what we want or worse for what we need. One is the average person's struggle, the latter is the memory of an impoverished soul. A revelation came to me today; perhaps this simple concept crossed my mind before; it seemed oddly familiar. I think we all feel we have to push and strive or claw our way through life. If we are lucky in this struggle we turn to look at our neighbor as someone who moves effortlessly through life. If we are unlucky we witness our neighbor's betrayal (dog eat dog world) to get what she needs.

So this is when that revelation came in, while I was thinking about my struggle; the simple truth dawned on me: The more we LOVE OURSELVES, the more effortlessly our life will become. It becomes our tendency to want to fix 'them' or fix 'that' (all these external factors) and not want to fix ourselves. But when we love ourselves we will live in the moment, experience spontaneous healing, love, and peace. We will call out to that which we desire through our simple and quiet intention and have it manifest at the perfect time. We will become lost in the joy of our work and feel refreshed and inspired. We will be tuned into our emotions and intuition knowing that we will be gently guided in making only the necessary moves at the right time in order to achieve our vision of the future. At last we will discover our perfect and personal magic.

As Within So, Without

The principle states that the more we have our shit together the more life will work out (and everything in it). We tend to attract things, people, and situations according to our dominant way of thinking (or subconscious way of thinking). Until the point  we align ourselves with true love, we will always have a bitter struggle. However, if we love ourselves deeply it will effect everything, everything, everything- this is the art of: effortless living.


Yeah, that part is not so easy to obtain, because you have to clean up your emotional crap and practice patience. It also depends on how radical your work ethic is; yes 'work ethic'. You have to work to 'undo' what you have spent your lifetime 'doing'.

The Breakdown

We all share a commonality: we all have a subconscious mind. This is our thinking under or behind our conscious thinking, these are the emotions that we truly have about something even though we are really trying to think differently. It's that feeling of inadequacy or bitterness or insecurity, although we try hard to think or act otherwise. That program is what controls our destiny. What we need to do is to change the old programming.   So, if you are going to make a leap into effortless living, you must, must, must go to work to reprogram your subconscious mind; just like a programmer that has to re-write software. It's all about finding new mental models, creating suggestions (phrases that contain the traits you want to embrace), and repetition.

Artrepreneur 101

Purpose (Re-visited)
Radical Self-Love (1 of 2)
Radical Self-Love (2 of 2)
Positive Thinking

Artrepreneur 101: Gratitude

Forgive the cliche, but you will have everything you want - if you emerge your mind in the joy of your work and envision all you want with a deep sense of appreciation and gratitude.

Break it DOWN!

Although, this sounds all mysterious and new age-ee, it's a discipline of mind and emotions. You must, must, must, only see and feel the joy of your work. Learn to pay no emotion or mind to all that negative crap in your day. Slow down when it comes to those wonderful events in your day - close your eyes and allow yourself to feel a sense of gratitude (you will attract more to be grateful for). Choose (make a conscious decision)  to feel good most of your day, avoid stress (even if you have to reinterpret or re-frame things mentally and emotionally).

Everyday take a moment to get lost in your dreams. Create a visual representation of what you want in the next 5 to 10 years. This is usually called a dream board or you can compile what is called a 'Manifestation Altar' which would be physical things and symbols of what you want in your life gathered in a single location of your home or office. The key here is to take time to go through these symbols and representations of goals and visions and muster your sense of gratitude. Then let it go, don't worry how it will manifest just be confident that things will manifest.

The next step here is to create a plan and to work your plan, which should include building skills you don't have, building relationships that will be beneficial to your dreams, and working hard (but never allow fear or loss to be your motivation). The key in truly being grateful is not to stress, and to follow your inspirations and hunches.


If you have a ton of emotional crap hanging around reboot yourself by finding solace in meditation (just 15 minutes a  day) and by taking time each day to affirm your sense of gratitude for what you already have. You will find not only peace but healing and great joy.

One More Time

Forgive the cliche, but you will have everything you want - if you emerge your mind in the joy of your work and envision all you want with a deep sense of appreciation and gratitude.

Artrepreneur 101

Purpose (Re-visited)
Radical Self-Love (1 of 2)
Radical Self-Love (2 of 2)
Positive Thinking